Monday, June 06, 2005

BloodNGuts - Eldar, Schmeldar!

So, the day finally came. Chroma brought out the pointy-headed hosts to lay an elegant smack down on us poor slobs. I'll tell ya, I hate to see them come at me but I love to watch them zip around the battlefield! Take a look at these beautiful (and nasty!) Eldar:

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A few of you may remember Chroma's reign of terror with his 40k Eldar. I still bolt awake some nights to what I imagine is the sound that shuriken catapults would make... Well, now the Eldar may have some sleepless nights as they contemplate their ebbing fortunes in this new campaign. Or maybe the Nomad Marines were just fed up with losing!

Our game had some early (and ludicrously pathetic!) mistakes on both sides. Turn one saw the hardness of Space Marines proven once again as Tactical Marines in Razorbacks engaged and wiped out the Eldar BTS objective. Throughout the game, the pointed gave the rounded lots of pointers about bringing the hurt. The volume of fire the Eldar can effortlessly toss around the battlefield is staggering. Of course, Marines just stagger and then lean in and kick some pointy butts.

When we calculated victory points at the end of turn 3, I came out ahead but most of my remaining detachments were broken! Turn 4 would have been ugly (well uglier!) but I had BTS and HTL and the Eldar were wailing and sobbing over their complete lack of victory points.

So, to those of us who play Marines, I say this: We Shall Know No Fear of Eldar. Maybe some trepidation, a little apprehension and a great deal of caution, but No Fear! You guys may have seen Chroma's Eldar, but until you share a table with them, your EPIC experience is not complete.


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