Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Chroma - Did somebody die?

Wow, it's been a while since anyone posted. BloodnGuts, Derek, and I had some good games last week; I took photos and notes to do battlereports, but haven't gotten around to writing them up. Let's just say Marines *finally* won a fight... in tiebreaker... of course, it was a Marines on Marines game.

The Geo-Hex performed admirably and everyone really enjoyed its presence. Initially I put the "drop cloth" over the hills, but it obscured them too much. They actually looked pretty good on top of the olive table, not sure how they'll look over the "desert" sheet. The only problem with the dang things is, once you've used them, you want more! Different shapes and such... I could see it becoming addicting! I'll have to work out some kind of hexagonal jig and hot-knife some more hexes out of pink insulation board some time

I've been working on an army other than Orks lately; I'm hoping to take this rarely seen army to the EPIC event at the GW Battle Bunker this weekend. Not sure if I'm going to get it all done, I'll post some pictures once it's a little more complete. It's incredible how quickly one can paint up 2000 points of EPIC! *laugh*


Blogger Kevin said...

Chroma - Well, you are a winner after your last battle, that wasn't change enough? ;)

10:27 a.m.  

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